Error: Child process exited with code 1


Application does not start after update to 0.27, shows error “Child process exited with code 1”.

Steps to reproduce

When starting the application, the error appears.


Device A:
Microsoft Windows [Versión 10.0.19045.2788]
AudioRelay 0.27.5

Device B:
Android 13
AudioRelay 0.26.1

Hello @Nekko,

In order to get some info about the crash, could you please follow these instructions?

• Open Command prompt

• Run cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\AudioRelay"
• Run .\runtime\bin\java.exe -XX:ErrorFile="%USERPROFILE%\desktop\audiorelay-crash.log" -cp .\app\audiorelay.jar > %USERPROFILE%/desktop/audiorelay-output.log 2>&1

• Upload the audiorelay-crash.log and audiorelay-output.log files that were created in your Desktop

Hi @Asapha ,

The "audiorelay-crash.log" file did not appear. Here I show you “audiorelay-output.log”:


Thanks for the logs.

What’s your graphics card?

Switching to software rendering will probably help.
Please try these instructions.

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Thanks u so much!

Now it works well!! :smile:

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when running this second command then shown “The system cannot find the path specified.”