Simplify Startup for repeated use as PC Mic and Speaker

I only use AudioRelay for one task - Make my phone (and the headset plugged into the phone) as the Mic and Speaker for my PC.

So I can, for example, connect to a Zoom call using the AudioRelay PC devices as the Mic and Speaker in Zoom and be free to walk around. (Tried any number of Bluetooth headsets but the audio quality, range, and latency was terrible).

Works great. Everything the Bluetooth was not. But each time I start the two apps (PC and Phone) from scratch, I have to do a three step setup:


| Player |, {PC} >
| Server |, Microphone >

| Player |, {Phone} >

This not a deal breaker. But my hope was I could just start the two progs and it would remember my previous connections and settings and take off.

I think this is essentially the same as Auto reconnect to last server used

Personally, I’m streaming a mic from Linux to Windows. Both are set to autostart. The linux server automatically starts just fine but the Windows app ALSO defaults to a server instead of resuming it’s connection as a Player connected to the linux server.

While not a huge deal, it would be my biggest feature request!