This problem happens both wirelessly and connected via USB with USB tethering enabled, literally the exact same. Im literally next to the router and what happens is that I have decent latency of less than 5 ms most of the time, never even going above 10 ms (acording to the graph in the app) but every 50 seconds or so I get a massive latency spike that usually goes all the way to 420ms which is very noticeable and annoying. Tried even just with 10 Kb/s quality just to see if that changes anything and… It doesn’t at all, I still get the exact same spikes just as often and as intense. Tried changing the audio output from OpenSL ES to AudioTrack and, once again, no difference. I tried everything you can imagine, with no luck.
I don’t report this as a bug because idk if it is or not, but it might very well be since I tried everything and nothing helps. My CPU usage while testing all this has been like 5-20% and Im using High Performance power plan.
Android 12
Moto G22
AudioRelay 0.26.1
Desktop PC:
Motherboard Asus B560M-A, i3-10105f, RX 550, 8GB DDR4 3333mhz, Windows 10
AudioRelay 0.27.5