Password protection

The server could request a password before allowing a connection.


Yes please, i don’t want everyone on my network to hear everything lol


where can we find this option

**we are really excited to get this feature soon because anyone is able to hear our conversion on conformance
or can we add request first and accept option for LAN users

we need this feature as privacy is our priority :upside_down_face:

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i request this for the first priority.(or user system)
i made a purchase to encough the author.

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Option to set password will be good because there are cases where we want to use this in public network
And allow connection to only our kown people

I would be awesome to ave this feature. I convinced my friend to purchase the app too and now we can connect to the other’s devices. It was funny at the begininig but it wasn’t when I was listening some private stuff and he connected to my pc.

… everyone please excuse my ignorance if this feature is ready. If it is, how to activate?

there is no option for connected device authactication. This is very important feature

if this option is there how to use this ?

The feature still not there, in fact that is why I still do not recommend the app to my friends. I don’t want them to connect to my stuff