Installation does not work on windows 10

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An error occured while trying to rename a file in the destination directory:
MoveFile Failed; Code 5.
Access is Denied.
Describe the problem here.
As described above, I get this error message during installation.

An error occured while trying to rename a file in the destination directory:
MoveFile Failed; Code 5.
Access is Denied.


Please note the model and versions of your devices.
For example, if you’re trying to connect a phone to a laptop:
Desktop windows 10
Android 12
Samsung Galaxy Note 10
AudioRelay 1.0.0

Asus, Windows 10
AudioRelay 1.0.0

Hello @Maxwell_Folkesson,

Have you already tried to install AudioRelay in another folder?
By default, it chooses Program files. Although it requires admin permissions, it shouldn’t cause an issue since the installation program requires them…

Alternatively, you can try to disable the installation of the virtual devices.