Error on startup: Child process exited with code 1

If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to check the FAQ.

0.24.2Version not working

*after installing 0.24.2 it says “Child process exited with code 1”

Windows PC

Windows 10 dual core CPU

1 Like

Please try this

  • In c:\Program Files (x86)\AudioRelay\app\
  • Delete AudioRelay.cfg
  • Then rename AudioRelay.cfg.pre-win10 to AudioRelay.cfg.
  • Start AudioRelay

Could you also let me know the result of the ver command?

Its not working, same problem appearing

Okay, that eliminates 1 issue.

Could you please do this?
It’ll run AudioRelay “manually” instead of using AudioRelay.exe.

  • Open a command prompt
  • Run cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\AudioRelay"
  • Run .\runtime\bin\java.exe -cp "app/audiorelay.jar;app/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar;app/log4j-api-2.17.1.jar;app/disruptor-3.4.4.jar" > %USERPROFILE%/desktop/output.log 2>&1

It’ll create a output.log file on your Desktop which should show the underlying issue.
Please post it here.


thank you so much sir running it manualy worked for me and I like the new UI but i cant run it without cmd opened and the app wont run on my phone i will wait for a patch


Please try these commands, it’ll tell us the error that occurs when you try to run the .exe.
The error will be inside the output.log file in your Desktop.

  • cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\AudioRelay"
  • .\runtime\bin\java.exe -Xms100m -Xmx200m -XX:+UseZGC -cp "app/audiorelay.jar;app/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar;app/log4j-api-2.17.1.jar;app/disruptor-3.4.4.jar" > %USERPROFILE%/desktop/output.log 2>&1

the app wont run on my phone i will wait for a patch

What do you mean? It crashes when you start it?

yes it crash almost instantly

"and it says in the output "The system cannot find the path specified.

Oh sorry, you need to run
cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\AudioRelay"
.\runtime\bin\java.exe -Xms100m -Xmx200m -XX:+UseZGC -cp "app/audiorelay.jar;app/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar;app/log4j-api-2.17.1.jar;app/disruptor-3.4.4.jar" > %USERPROFILE%/desktop/output.log 2>&1

Could you please try again? :slightly_smiling_face:

As for the crash on mobile, what’s your phone’s model? I’ll see if Google reported a corresponding crash.

1 Like

sorry i am late i got busy, here is the file output
my ip address is in there :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

and the app works fine now

Thanks for the logs.

What do you mean by it works fine?
That the mobile app works or that desktop app works? If you’re talking about the desktop app, can you now start it via the normal shortcut/.exe?

These lines are pretty suspect:

Failed to create DirectX12 device.
Failed to create Skia OpenGL context!
Cannot init graphic context

There’s no crash though.

my ip address is in there :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’s just your local IP address, nothing to worry about!

I meant the mobile app it boot normaly now

i cant get to the desktop app via the normal shortcut

yeah i have a very outdated laptop with pentium B950 cpu maybe thats why, i will try updating what i can but i am fine with the cmd method

I meant the mobile app it boot normaly now

Okay, that’s good.

Opening AudioRelay via the cmd will get old fast though, it’d be great to fix the issue.

In order to do so, could you please try this version?
It’ll open a console on startup which should show us what’s wrong.
Please don’t use the cmd method to start it.

To copy the console’s output, you can do Select + A and Enter.

If Windows blocks the installation

Click on More info
image image

If more info isn’t present, right click on the .exe then Unblock.

????-??-?? ??:??:??,??? main WARN JMX runtime input lookup class is not available because this JRE does not support JMX. JMX lookups will not be available, continuing configuration. Ignoring java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.JmxRuntimeInputArgumentsLookup
????-??-?? ??:??:??,??? main WARN JMX runtime input lookup class is not available because this JRE does not support JMX. JMX lookups will not be available, continuing configuration. Ignoring java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.JmxRuntimeInputArgumentsLookup
????-??-?? ??:??:??,??? main WARN JMX runtime input lookup class is not available because this JRE does not support JMX. JMX lookups will not be available, continuing configuration. Ignoring java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.JmxRuntimeInputArgumentsLookup
????-??-?? ??:??:??,??? main ERROR Could not reconfigure JMX java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/management/MBeanRegistrationException
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext.setConfiguration(
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext.start(
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.Log4jContextFactory.getContext(
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator.initialize(
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator.initialize(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	... 6 more

2022-03-27 20:44:28,638 INFO Version: 0.24.3, os: Windows 10, osVersion: 10.0
2022-03-27 20:44:30,956 INFO Initializing locale to en
2022-03-27 20:44:31,041 INFO Starting IpcCoordinatorService ...
[MVIKotlin]: Main thread id is undefined, main thread assert is disabled
2022-03-27 20:44:31,347 INFO Waiting for devices from windows' backend...
2022-03-27 20:44:31,366 INFO Starting the server...
2022-03-27 20:44:31,367 INFO Waiting for devices from PortAudio...
2022-03-27 20:44:31,426 INFO Got open ports at 59300 and 59350
2022-03-27 20:44:31,428 INFO Checking for update...
2022-03-27 20:44:31,615 INFO Wait for backend backend...
2022-03-27 20:44:31,639 INFO Messages socket waiting on a connection...
2022-03-27 20:44:31,639 INFO Audio socket waiting on a connection...
2022-03-27 20:44:31,640 INFO Starting backend...
2022-03-27 20:44:31,651 INFO Status initializing
2022-03-27 20:44:31,666 INFO Portaudio version: PortAudio V19.7.0-devel, revision unknown
before paHostApiInitializers[0].
after paHostApiInitializers[0].
before paHostApiInitializers[1].
WASAPI: device idx: 00
WASAPI: ---------------
WASAPI:0| name[Speakers (3- High Definition Audio Device)]
WASAPI:0| form-factor[1]
WASAPI: getting Windows version with RtlGetVersion()
WASAPI: Windows version = 5
WASAPI: IAudioClient version = 3
WASAPI:0| def.SR[48000] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010000] lo[0.002667]}
WASAPI: device idx: 01
WASAPI: ---------------
WASAPI:1| name[CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
WASAPI:1| form-factor[1]
WASAPI:1| def.SR[48000] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010000] lo[0.003000]}
WASAPI: device idx: 02
WASAPI: ---------------
WASAPI:2| name[CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
WASAPI:2| form-factor[2]
WASAPI:2| def.SR[44100] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010000] lo[0.003000]}
WASAPI: device list ok - found 3 devices
WASAPI: initialized ok
after paHostApiInitializers[1].
before paHostApiInitializers[2].
Setup called
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 3 has render alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Device 4 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 6 has render alias
Device 6 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
Interfaces found: 3
Device 3 has render alias
Device 3 has realtime alias
Interface 3, Name: H
FilterNew: Creating filter 'HD Audio Headphone/Speakers'
FilterNew: Opening filter...
DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=2, nodes=1
  Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
  Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=1
  Node: 0 - {507AE360-C554-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
PinNew: Creating pin 0:
PinNew: Checking 1 no of dataranges...
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
PinNew: Default sample rate = 44100 Hz
Failed PinQueryNotificationSupport
PinNew: Finding topology pin...
FindStartConnectionTo: Startpin 0, Checking 2 connections...
FindStartConnectionTo: returning 0000027DEFA256F8
GetConnectedPin: count=1, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... (pFrom = 0000027DEFA256F8)GetConnectionTo: Returning 0000027DEFA25708
PinNew: Getting physical connection...
PinNew: Physical connection found!
PinNew: Creating topology filter '\\?\HDAUDIO#FUNC_01&VEN_111D&DEV_7605&SUBSYS_103C166F&REV_1001#4&32435553&0&0001#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\eDuplicatedHpSpeakerTopo'
FilterNew: Creating filter ''
FilterNew: Opening filter...
DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=3, nodes=2
  Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
  Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=1,ToPin=1
  Connection: 2 - FromNode=1,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=1
  Node: 0 - {3A5ACC00-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 1 - {02B223C0-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
PinNew: Opening topology filter...PinNew: Checking for output endpoint pin id...
FindStartConnectionTo: Startpin 0, Checking 3 connections...
FindStartConnectionTo: returning 0000027DEFB141A8
GetConnectedPin: count=2, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionTo: Checking 3 connections... (pFrom = 0000027DEFB141A8)GetConnectionTo: Returning 0000027DEFB141B8
GetConnectedPin: count=2, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionTo: Checking 3 connections... (pFrom = 0000027DEFB141B8)GetConnectionTo: Returning 0000027DEFB141C8
PinNew: Found endpoint pin id 1
GetNameFromCategory: USB GUID 0301 -> 'Speakers'
PinNew: Pin name 'Speakers'
PinNew: Releasing topology filter...
Pin created successfully
PinNew: Creating pin 1:
PinNew: Not source/sink
PinNew: Error -9996
Filter (WaveRT) created with 1 valid pins (total I/Os: 1)
Device 4 has capture alias
Device 4 has realtime alias
Interface 4, Name: H
FilterNew: Creating filter 'HD Audio Microphone 2'
FilterNew: Opening filter...
DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=2, nodes=1
  Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=1 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
  Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=0
  Node: 0 - {4D837FE0-C555-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
PinNew: Creating pin 0:
PinNew: Checking 1 no of dataranges...
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
PinNew: Default sample rate = 44100 Hz
Failed PinQueryNotificationSupport
PinNew: Finding topology pin...
FindStartConnectionFrom: Startpin 0, Checking 2 connections...
FindStartConnectionFrom: returning 0000027DEFA25B58
GetConnectedPin: count=1, forward=0, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionFrom: Checking 2 connections... (pTo = 0000027DEFA25B58)
GetConnectionFrom: Returning 0000027DEFA25B48
PinNew: Getting physical connection...
PinNew: Physical connection found!
PinNew: Creating topology filter '\\?\HDAUDIO#FUNC_01&VEN_111D&DEV_7605&SUBSYS_103C166F&REV_1001#4&32435553&0&0001#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\eMicIn2Topo'
FilterNew: Creating filter ''
FilterNew: Opening filter...
DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=4, nodes=3
  Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=1 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
  Connection: 1 - FromNode=2,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=0
  Connection: 2 - FromNode=1,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=2,ToPin=1
  Connection: 3 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=1,ToPin=1
  Node: 0 - {3A5ACC00-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 1 - {02B223C0-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 2 - {3A5ACC00-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
PinNew: Opening topology filter...PinNew: Checking for input endpoint pin id (0)...
FindStartConnectionFrom: Startpin 0, Checking 4 connections...
FindStartConnectionFrom: returning 0000027DEFA9DA88
GetConnectedPin: count=3, forward=0, muxPosition=0
GetConnectionFrom: Checking 4 connections... (pTo = 0000027DEFA9DA88)
GetConnectionFrom: Returning 0000027DEFA9DA98
GetConnectedPin: count=3, forward=0, muxPosition=0
GetConnectionFrom: Checking 4 connections... (pTo = 0000027DEFA9DA98)
GetConnectionFrom: Returning 0000027DEFA9DAA8
GetConnectedPin: count=3, forward=0, muxPosition=0
GetConnectionFrom: Checking 4 connections... (pTo = 0000027DEFA9DAA8)
GetConnectionFrom: Returning 0000027DEFA9DA78
PinNew: Found endpoint pin id 1
PinNew: Input friendly name 'Microphone'
PinNew: Releasing topology filter...
Pin created successfully
PinNew: Creating pin 1:
PinNew: Not source/sink
PinNew: Error -9996
Filter (WaveRT) created with 1 valid pins (total I/Os: 1)
Device 6 has render alias
Device 6 has capture alias
Interface 6, Name: V
FilterNew: Creating filter 'VB-Audio Point'
FilterNew: Opening filter...
DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=5, nodes=3
  Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=1 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
  Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=0
  Connection: 2 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=2 -> ToNode=2,ToPin=1
  Connection: 3 - FromNode=2,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=1,ToPin=1
  Connection: 4 - FromNode=1,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=3
  Node: 0 - {4D837FE0-C555-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 1 - {507AE360-C554-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 2 - {9DB7B9E0-C555-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
PinNew: Creating pin 0:
PinNew: Checking 1 no of dataranges...
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 8
PinNew: Format PCM 8 bit supported
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
PinNew: Default sample rate = 44100 Hz
PinNew: Finding topology pin...
FindStartConnectionFrom: Startpin 0, Checking 5 connections...
FindStartConnectionFrom: returning 0000027DEFEB1518
GetConnectedPin: count=3, forward=0, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionFrom: Checking 5 connections... (pTo = 0000027DEFEB1518)
GetConnectionFrom: Returning 0000027DEFEB1508
PinNew: Getting physical connection...
PinNew: Physical connection found!
PinNew: Creating topology filter '\\?\ROOT#MEDIA#0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\Topology'
FilterNew: Creating filter ''
FilterNew: Opening filter...
DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=10, nodes=8
  Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
  Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=1,ToPin=1
  Connection: 2 - FromNode=1,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=3,ToPin=1
  Connection: 3 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=1 -> ToNode=2,ToPin=1
  Connection: 4 - FromNode=2,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=6,ToPin=1
  Connection: 5 - FromNode=3,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4,ToPin=1
  Connection: 6 - FromNode=4,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=2
  Connection: 7 - FromNode=6,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=7,ToPin=1
  Connection: 8 - FromNode=7,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=3
  Connection: 9 - FromNode=5,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=3
  Node: 0 - {3A5ACC00-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 1 - {02B223C0-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 2 - {3A5ACC00-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 3 - {DA441A60-C556-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 4 - {3A5ACC00-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 5 - {2CEAF780-C556-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 6 - {DA441A60-C556-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
  Node: 7 - {3A5ACC00-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
PinNew: Opening topology filter...PinNew: Checking for input endpoint pin id (0)...
FindStartConnectionFrom: Startpin 3, Checking 10 connections...
FindStartConnectionFrom: returning 0000027DEDA3D7A8
GetConnectedPin: count=8, forward=0, muxPosition=0
GetConnectionFrom: Checking 10 connections... (pTo = 0000027DEDA3D7A8)
GetConnectionFrom: Returning 0000027DEDA3D798
GetConnectedPin: count=8, forward=0, muxPosition=0
GetConnectionFrom: Checking 10 connections... (pTo = 0000027DEDA3D798)
GetConnectionFrom: Returning 0000027DEDA3D768
GetConnectedPin: count=8, forward=0, muxPosition=0
GetConnectionFrom: Checking 10 connections... (pTo = 0000027DEDA3D768)
GetConnectionFrom: Returning 0000027DEDA3D758
PinNew: Found endpoint pin id 1
PinNew: Input friendly name 'CABLE Output'
PinNew: Releasing topology filter...
Pin created successfully
PinNew: Creating pin 1:
PinNew: Not source/sink
PinNew: Error -9996
PinNew: Creating pin 2:
PinNew: Checking 1 no of dataranges...
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 8
PinNew: Format PCM 8 bit supported
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
PinNew: Default sample rate = 44100 Hz
PinNew: Finding topology pin...
FindStartConnectionTo: Startpin 2, Checking 5 connections...
FindStartConnectionTo: returning 0000027DEFEB1528
GetConnectedPin: count=3, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionTo: Checking 5 connections... (pFrom = 0000027DEFEB1528)GetConnectionTo: Returning 0000027DEFEB1538
GetConnectedPin: count=3, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionTo: Checking 5 connections... (pFrom = 0000027DEFEB1538)GetConnectionTo: Returning 0000027DEFEB1548
PinNew: Getting physical connection...
PinNew: Physical connection found!
PinNew: Opening topology filter...PinNew: Checking for output endpoint pin id...
FindStartConnectionTo: Startpin 0, Checking 10 connections...
FindStartConnectionTo: returning 0000027DEDA3D728
GetConnectedPin: count=8, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionTo: Checking 10 connections... (pFrom = 0000027DEDA3D728)GetConnectionTo: Returning 0000027DEDA3D738
GetConnectedPin: count=8, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionTo: Checking 10 connections... (pFrom = 0000027DEDA3D738)GetConnectionTo: Returning 0000027DEDA3D748
GetConnectedPin: count=8, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionTo: Checking 10 connections... (pFrom = 0000027DEDA3D748)GetConnectionTo: Returning 0000027DEDA3D778
GetConnectedPin: count=8, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
GetConnectionTo: Checking 10 connections... (pFrom = 0000027DEDA3D778)GetConnectionTo: Returning 0000027DEDA3D788
PinNew: Found endpoint pin id 2
GetNameFromCategory: USB GUID 0301 -> 'Speakers'
PinNew: Pin name 'Speakers'
PinNew: Releasing topology filter...
Pin created successfully
PinNew: Creating pin 3:
PinNew: Not source/sink
PinNew: Error -9996
Filter (WaveCyclic) created with 2 valid pins (total I/Os: 2)
after paHostApiInitializers[2].
WASAPI: IAudioClient2 set properties: IsOffload = 0, Category = 0, Options = 0
WASAPI: IAudioClient2 set properties: IsOffload = 0, Category = 0, Options = 0
WASAPI: IAudioClient2 set properties: IsOffload = 0, Category = 0, Options = 0
IsFormatSupported (render): WaveRT overriding testFormat paInt24 with paInt32 (24 valid bits)Pin:f00bbc40, DataRange:0
	FormatSize:88, SampleSize:0
IsFormatSupported (capture): WaveRT overriding testFormat paInt24 with paInt32 (24 valid bits)Pin:ed80fca0, DataRange:0
	FormatSize:88, SampleSize:0
Pin:effe3860, DataRange:0
	FormatSize:88, SampleSize:0
Pin:efe6dbc0, DataRange:0
	FormatSize:88, SampleSize:0
2022-03-27 20:44:32,297 INFO Status initialized
2022-03-27 20:44:34,801 INFO Found no update
2022-03-27 20:44:36,726 INFO Wait for backend backend...
2022-03-27 20:44:38,656 INFO Showing main window...
Failed to create DirectX12 device.
2022-03-27 20:44:41,786 INFO Wait for backend backend...
2022-03-27 20:44:43,813 INFO Messages socket created
2022-03-27 20:44:44,054 INFO Audio socket connected
 1443/08/24 08:44:45.063 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
2022-03-27 20:44:45,314 INFO Backend is ready
2022-03-27 20:44:45,319 INFO Requesting startup settings...
 1443/08/24 08:44:45.358 [I][BACKEND] Handling windows startup request...
Failed to create Skia OpenGL context!
Cannot init graphic context
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.089 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.168 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.169 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.170 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.172 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.173 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.174 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.175 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.176 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.177 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.178 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.180 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.182 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
 1443/08/24 08:44:46.183 [I][BACKEND] Connection ready
2022-03-27 20:44:46,967 INFO Windows' backend devices: [WindowsAudioDevice(id={}.{cb803830-bf2e-49d2-8848-21b31bfd45e9}, type=Render, name=CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable), isDefault=false, sampleRate=48000, channels=2), WindowsAudioDevice(id={}.{e375d025-715d-45d9-9201-0fbc16039e01}, type=Capture, name=CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable), isDefault=false, sampleRate=44100, channels=2), WindowsAudioDevice(id={}.{083891b8-cdcd-429a-a79b-23212c1e42c9}, type=Render, name=Speakers (3- High Definition Audio Device), isDefault=true, sampleRate=48000, channels=2)]
2022-03-27 20:44:49,130 INFO Network addresses: NetworkInfo(broadcastAddresses=[], localAddresses=[])
2022-03-27 20:45:00,766 INFO Remote device connected:
2022-03-27 20:45:00,786 INFO Received client config, clientVersion: 0.24.6, os: ANDROID, osVersion: Android API 30
2022-03-27 20:45:00,918 INFO Asking backend to start capture. EventSync: true, AudioConfig: AudioConfig(sampleRate=48000, bits=16, channels=2), AudioDevice: Speakers (3- High Definition Audio Device), 
 1443/08/24 08:45:00.957 [I][BACKEND] Starting a capture...
 1443/08/24 08:45:01.117 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
 1443/08/24 08:45:01.131 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
2022-03-27 20:45:01,547 INFO No data emitted by pipeline, sending empty values...
 1443/08/24 08:45:02.377 [I][BACKEND] Capture using the suggested format 16 bit PCM: 48kHz 2 channels
2022-03-27 20:45:03,042 INFO Audio pipeline is emitting values
2022-03-27 20:45:14,164 INFO Remotely connecting to
2022-03-27 20:45:14,499 INFO Received server config, server: 0.24.6, os: ANDROID, osVersion: Android API 30
2022-03-27 20:45:14,619 INFO New audio config...
2022-03-27 20:45:15,054 INFO Starting playing on PortAudioDevice(index=6, name=CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable), type=Render, isDefault=false, defaultSampleRate=48000.0, channels=2, hostApiIndex=1, hostApiType=WASAPI, hostApiName=Windows WASAPI, defaultLowLatency=0.003, defaultHighLatency=0.01, idOverride=null, duplicateIndex=0) with config AudioConfig(sampleRate=48000, bits=16, channels=2)
WASAPI: IAudioClient2 set properties: IsOffload = 0, Category = 0, Options = 0
2022-03-27 20:45:15,913 INFO Sentry initialized
wFormatTag     =WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
nChannels      =2
nSamplesPerSec =48000
nBlockAlign    =4
wBitsPerSample =16
cbSize         =0
WASAPI::OpenStream(output): framesPerUser[ 256 ] framesPerHost[ 1056 ] latency[ 22.00ms ] exclusive[ NO ] wow64_fix[ NO ] mode[ POLL ]
2022-03-27 20:45:15,920 INFO The reported outputLatency is 0.022
2022-03-27 20:45:35,010 INFO Asking backend to stop capture...
2022-03-27 20:45:35,020 INFO Asking backend to start capture. EventSync: true, AudioConfig: AudioConfig(sampleRate=48000, bits=16, channels=2), AudioDevice: CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable), 
 1443/08/24 08:45:35.058 [I][BACKEND] Stopping the capture...
 1443/08/24 08:45:35.137 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from High to Normal
 1443/08/24 08:45:35.142 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from High to Normal
 1443/08/24 08:45:35.143 [I][BACKEND] Starting a capture...
 1443/08/24 08:45:35.147 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
 1443/08/24 08:45:35.150 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
 1443/08/24 08:45:35.843 [I][BACKEND] Capture using the suggested format 16 bit PCM: 48kHz 2 channels
2022-03-27 20:46:09,657 INFO Asking backend to stop capture...
2022-03-27 20:46:09,661 INFO Asking backend to start capture. EventSync: true, AudioConfig: AudioConfig(sampleRate=48000, bits=16, channels=2), AudioDevice: Speakers (3- High Definition Audio Device), 
 1443/08/24 08:46:09.662 [I][BACKEND] Stopping the capture...
 1443/08/24 08:46:10.221 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from High to Normal
 1443/08/24 08:46:10.300 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from High to Normal
 1443/08/24 08:46:10.301 [I][BACKEND] Starting a capture...
 1443/08/24 08:46:10.306 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
 1443/08/24 08:46:10.309 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
2022-03-27 20:46:10,542 INFO No data emitted by pipeline, sending empty values...
 1443/08/24 08:46:10.644 [I][BACKEND] Capture using the suggested format 16 bit PCM: 48kHz 2 channels
2022-03-27 20:46:11,044 INFO Audio pipeline is emitting values
2022-03-27 20:46:17,674 INFO Asking backend to stop capture...
2022-03-27 20:46:17,678 INFO Asking backend to start capture. EventSync: true, AudioConfig: AudioConfig(sampleRate=48000, bits=16, channels=2), AudioDevice: CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable), 
 1443/08/24 08:46:17.733 [I][BACKEND] Stopping the capture...
 1443/08/24 08:46:18.094 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from High to Normal
 1443/08/24 08:46:18.103 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from High to Normal
 1443/08/24 08:46:18.103 [I][BACKEND] Starting a capture...
 1443/08/24 08:46:18.103 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
 1443/08/24 08:46:18.106 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
 1443/08/24 08:46:18.427 [I][BACKEND] Capture using the closest match format 32 bit PCM: 44kHz 2 channels wBitsPerSample:32 dwChannelMask:3 subFormat:00000003-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71 extraSize:22
2022-03-27 20:46:18,545 INFO No data emitted by pipeline, sending empty values...
2022-03-27 20:46:19,032 INFO Audio pipeline is emitting values
2022-03-27 20:47:11,530 INFO Asking backend to stop capture...
2022-03-27 20:47:11,533 INFO Asking backend to start capture. EventSync: true, AudioConfig: AudioConfig(sampleRate=48000, bits=16, channels=2), AudioDevice: Speakers (3- High Definition Audio Device), 
 1443/08/24 08:47:11.537 [I][BACKEND] Stopping the capture...
 1443/08/24 08:47:11.998 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from High to Normal
 1443/08/24 08:47:12.003 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from High to Normal
 1443/08/24 08:47:12.009 [I][BACKEND] Starting a capture...
 1443/08/24 08:47:12.010 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
 1443/08/24 08:47:12.123 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
 1443/08/24 08:47:12.498 [I][BACKEND] Capture using the suggested format 16 bit PCM: 48kHz 2 channels
2022-03-27 20:47:20,384 INFO Asking backend to stop capture...
2022-03-27 20:47:20,391 INFO Asking backend to start capture. EventSync: true, AudioConfig: AudioConfig(sampleRate=48000, bits=16, channels=2), AudioDevice: CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable), 
 1443/08/24 08:47:20.404 [I][BACKEND] Stopping the capture...
 1443/08/24 08:47:20.514 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from High to Normal
 1443/08/24 08:47:20.523 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from High to Normal
 1443/08/24 08:47:20.524 [I][BACKEND] Starting a capture...
 1443/08/24 08:47:20.524 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
 1443/08/24 08:47:20.531 [I][BACKEND] Changing process priority from Normal to High
2022-03-27 20:47:21,037 INFO No data emitted by pipeline, sending empty values...
 1443/08/24 08:47:21.104 [I][BACKEND] Capture using the suggested format 16 bit PCM: 48kHz 2 channels
2022-03-27 20:47:21,533 INFO Audio pipeline is emitting values
2022-03-27 20:49:33,591 INFO Starting reconnect attempts...
2022-03-27 20:49:33,591 ERROR Failed to read messages
java.lang.RuntimeException: aeA
	at ahR.a(SourceFile:1030) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at ahS.a(SourceFile:36) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at ahq.a(SourceFile:81) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at ahq.a(SourceFile:71) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at aBy.b(SourceFile:35) [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at azY.a(SourceFile:2309) [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at aCu$o.b_(SourceFile:116) [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at aCZ$ [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at aDI$bur$ [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at aDI$ [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
	at Source) [?:?]
Caused by: aeA
	at aeA$o.a(SourceFile:17) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at ahr.a(SourceFile:145) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at ahr.invoke(SourceFile:42) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at ahS.a(SourceFile:20) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	... 11 more
2022-03-27 20:49:33,779 INFO Stopped listening to audio packets
2022-03-27 20:49:34,544 INFO No data emitted by pipeline, sending empty values...
2022-03-27 20:49:35,423 WARN Failed to reconnect: Connection refused: no further information
2022-03-27 20:50:37,125 WARN Failed to reconnect: Connection refused: no further information
2022-03-27 20:51:39,914 WARN Failed to reconnect: Connection refused: no further information
2022-03-27 20:52:17,094 INFO Asking backend to stop capture...
2022-03-27 20:52:17,094 INFO Destroying backend due to cancellation...
2022-03-27 20:52:17,094 ERROR IpcCoordinatorService failed
aeA: Connection reset
	at aeA$o.a(SourceFile:22) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at IT.a(SourceFile:8116) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at IT.a(SourceFile:12059) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at aBs.b(SourceFile:39) [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at azY.a(SourceFile:2309) [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at aBH$ [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at aAq$ [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at [audiorelay.jar:?]
	at Source) [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
	at Source) [?:?]
Caused by: Connection reset
	at Source) ~[?:?]
	at Source) ~[?:?]
	at$ Source) ~[?:?]
	at$ Source) ~[?:?]
	at$ Source) ~[?:?]
	at axg.b(SourceFile:246) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at axg.b(SourceFile:6267) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at ayh.a(SourceFile:375) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at Po.a(SourceFile:606) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	at IT.a(SourceFile:8074) ~[audiorelay.jar:?]
	... 12 more
2022-03-27 20:52:17,108 INFO Backend exited with code -1073741510, expected: true
2022-03-27 20:52:17,135 INFO Stopping the server, reason: shutdown
2022-03-27 20:52:17,139 INFO Remote device disconnected:
2022-03-27 20:52:17,143 INFO Status terminating
TerminateHostApis in 
2022-03-27 20:52:17,180 pool-1-thread-1 ERROR Unable to unregister MBeans java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/management/MBeanRegistrationException
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext.stop(
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext$
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.DefaultShutdownCallbackRegistry$
	at java.base/ Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	... 5 more

So this version works OK for you, right?

no not realy it gives a line at the end of it that says connection lost and Child process exited with code 1 and immeaditly exits the program

Hi there. I also got the same error here, so here’s what I got from the console.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.sun.jna.Native
        at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Shell32.<clinit>(SourceFile:45)
        at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Shell32Util.getFolderPath(SourceFile:52)
        at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Shell32Util.getFolderPath(SourceFile:68)
        at aSB.a(SourceFile:38)
        at aSE.a(SourceFile:75)
        at aSE.b(SourceFile:60)
        at OU.<clinit>(SourceFile:18)
        at QB.a(SourceFile:1166)
Failed to launch JVM
Child process exited with code 1

[process exited with code 1 (0x00000001)]

In case if you need this:

@ayoub , when does the desktop app crash exactly?

Is it when you connect your phone to the PC? (Does the phone receive any audio?)
Is it when you connect your PC to your phone? (Does the PC receive any audio?)
Or only when you do both at the same time?

From the logs, it seems that you can interact with it for a bit.

Hi @Ryo_Handoko,

Could you please let us know if this version works for you?
I’ve removed the components that caused this error.

If Windows blocks the installation

Click on More info
image image

If more info isn’t present, right click on the .exe then Unblock.

Output of : .\runtime\bin\java.exe -Xms100m -Xmx200m -XX:+UseZGC -cp "app/audiorelay.jar;app/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar;app/log4j-api-2.17.1.jar;app/disruptor-3.4.4.jar" > %USERPROFILE%/desktop/output.log 2>&1

Content of output.log:

2022-04-01 22:12:04,596 main WARN JMX runtime input lookup class is not available because this JRE does not support JMX. JMX lookups will not be available, continuing configuration. Ignoring java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.JmxRuntimeInputArgumentsLookup
2022-04-01 22:12:04,694 main WARN JMX runtime input lookup class is not available because this JRE does not support JMX. JMX lookups will not be available, continuing configuration. Ignoring java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.JmxRuntimeInputArgumentsLookup
2022-04-01 22:12:04,695 main WARN JMX runtime input lookup class is not available because this JRE does not support JMX. JMX lookups will not be available, continuing configuration. Ignoring java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.JmxRuntimeInputArgumentsLookup
2022-04-01 22:12:04,707 main ERROR Could not reconfigure JMX java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/management/MBeanRegistrationException
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext.setConfiguration(
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext.start(
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.Log4jContextFactory.getContext(
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator.initialize(
	at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator.initialize(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	... 6 more

2022-04-01 22:12:04,711 INFO Version: 0.24.5, os: Windows 11, osVersion: 10.0
2022-04-01 22:12:04,926 INFO Initializing locale to en
2022-04-01 22:12:04,937 INFO Starting IpcCoordinatorService ...
[MVIKotlin]: Main thread id is undefined, main thread assert is disabled
2022-04-01 22:12:04,963 INFO Got open ports at 59300 and 59350
2022-04-01 22:12:04,963 INFO Starting the server...
2022-04-01 22:12:04,970 INFO Waiting for devices from windows' backend...
2022-04-01 22:12:04,973 INFO Starting backend...
2022-04-01 22:12:04,973 INFO Messages socket waiting on a connection...
2022-04-01 22:12:04,973 INFO Audio socket waiting on a connection...
2022-04-01 22:12:04,978 INFO Waiting for devices from PortAudio...
2022-04-01 22:12:04,984 INFO Checking for update...
2022-04-01 22:12:04,984 INFO Status initializing
before paHostApiInitializers[0].
2022-04-01 22:12:04,985 INFO Portaudio version: PortAudio V19.7.0-devel, revision unknown
after paHostApiInitializers[0].
before paHostApiInitializers[1].
WASAPI: device idx: 00
WASAPI: ---------------
WASAPI:0| name[Realtek Digital Output (Realtek(R) Audio)]
WASAPI:0| form-factor[8]
WASAPI: getting Windows version with RtlGetVersion()
WASAPI: Windows version = 5
WASAPI: IAudioClient version = 3
WASAPI:0| def.SR[48000] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010000] lo[0.003000]}
WASAPI: device idx: 01
WASAPI: ---------------
WASAPI:1| name[LG TV SSCR (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
WASAPI:1| form-factor[9]
WASAPI:1| def.SR[48000] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010000] lo[0.003000]}
WASAPI: device list ok - found 2 devices
WASAPI: initialized ok
after paHostApiInitializers[1].
before paHostApiInitializers[2].
Setup called
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 4 has render alias
Device 4 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 0
Device 6 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Device 7 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 10 has render alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Device 11 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 14 has render alias
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 15 has render alias
Device 15 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 16 has render alias
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 17 has render alias
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 18 has render alias
Device 18 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 19 has render alias
Device 19 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 20 has render alias
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 21 has render alias
Device 21 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Device 22 has capture alias
Enum called
Interfaces found: 14
Device 4 has render alias
Device 4 has capture alias
Device 4 has realtime alias
Interface 4, Name: N
FilterNew: Creating filter 'NVIDIA High Definition Audio'
FilterNew: Opening filter...
DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=1, nodes=0
  Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=1
PinNew: Creating pin 0:
PinNew: Checking 14 no of dataranges...
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: DR major format 73647561
PinNew: MaxChannel: 8
PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
PinNew: Default sample rate = 44100 Hz